Thursday, February 18, 2010

Four Steps to Continuous Success

by Joseph Wilhelmi District 54 Sergeant at Arms, Division E Governor

Personal, individual success is what each club is chartered for. That is its mission statement. Each club has the responsibility to create an environment conducive to education. Education is what each of us needs, both in communication and in leadership. It is the responsibility of club leadership to have and further develop the atmosphere in the club, both at the executive committee level, and within the club to exist cohesively to attain that perfect setting to allow individual success.

1. Each Successful club had 5 or more officers trained with all seven trained at the mid term TLI. By successfully training each new officer, whether they have served in that office or not previously is vital for each member to understand fully their responsibility to the club. I have personally seen in failing clubs, each Executive Committee tries to re invent the wheel and re design each role of each officer. Most often these are items that the officers involved see as their weakness, and look to work within their strengths, rather than address their weakness and work to improve.

2. Each club that was in fact successful, with full honors, had separate Executive Committee meetings with reports from each member of that committee. Each report spoke to what they had accomplished, or not…..Then spoke to what they needed to accomplish. I can assure you, when you have an Executive Committee meeting, and you are not able to give a comprehensive report that speaks to the work you have done to insure your contribution is productive, you will be on it for the next month. This is called accountability. Each member is accountable to ourselves.

3. Each club should have a written Club Success Plan. This is the first order of the first meeting in July, as an Executive Committee that should be on the agenda of each club President. If you do not do this you already have a plan to fail. Success is a choice not a dream. Each individual, Club, Area, Division and District must have a plan to succeed.

4. Each club should have a fully functional website from FreeToastHost. Why FreeToastHost? Because it is directly designed to help the individual succeed from offering education to the Duty Roster, which if used properly, each person can schedule their success into their lives. This is done with duty roster meeting dates on the website far into the future to allow personal planning.

Also your website page should have as much information as possible about your club, where you meet and times that people are interested in. I have seen many websites, but the most productive are in fact those with less clutter.

For example, in 2005 ,when I began in Real Estate, only 40% of the buyers would visit a website before contacting an agent. When I left Real Estate in August of 2008, 97% of the buyers would surf the web before calling an agent. Also the amount of time spent at each site varied due to the amount of information and ease of use related to that website.

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